My organization wants to partner with Tell Well

We could not be happier. Tell Well is a unique professional development opportunity for your employees.  Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about hosting a Tell Well Workshop and our best answers: 

What does Tell Well offer our organization?

We offer a unique professional development opportunity. Tell Well seeks to reduce compassion fatigue and burnout among healthcare providers. Our creative writing and storytelling workshop offers life-long tools to help employees respond to the challenges of the health care industry. 


Are we a good partner host for Tell Well?

Clinics, hospitals, schools or other organizations interested in bringing together healthcare providers to participate in a professional development opportunity make excellent partners.


Who would participate?

We work with partners to determine the make-up of a workshop. Our services are designed to support participants in multiple healthcare professions and with a range of writing experience.


What does it cost?

Please contact us for more details.


What results will we see?  

A Tell Well workshop fosters collaboration and creativity. These are skills that participants can take back to the work environment. Beyond that, participants will leave the workshop with new tools to use in response to challenging experiences. We strive towards an increase in workplace satisfaction and a decrease in burnout.